We're in a bit of a limbo time, my little family and I. A time of transitions, waiting and wondering. Even as I write that, I have to laugh at myself. As a mum, most of my life is spent in transition. My toddler is now toilet-trained and my baby is starting solids. We're going with more a baby-led weaning approach and I'm learning to embrace it.
I don't think there's any secret formula for any bit of life. We all have to push through some days, knowing that some days we'll feel really great and others, well, they don't last forever.
I've been thinking a lot while also trying to be fully present for my family. We're learning to dance a new rhythm together and I have never been so excited.
But with all of that comes a whole slew of emotions and just, you know, stuff. I will be sharing more as it all becomes more clear, hopefully sooner then later. But I will also be a little quieter (perhaps) on here. I'm also working on changing this blog around a little a lot. I'm rather excited about that change as well.
We got a new stroller recently. It's a double stroller, Bob Duallie. I love it and yet it took me a little bit to get used to the big beastie of a stroller. I miss wearing my baby and kissing her head but I love looking down and seeing the girls close together, holding hands and sharing a blanket. I'm a double stroller mama now, I kinda rock it. Crowds part for me and I feel like royalty.
But I had to get there, I had to turn the page to get to the next chapter. Thanks for being here, for listening reading while I turn the page.
And just because I'm curious, how do you read this blog - facebook link, email, google reader, phone, desktop computer etc?
pictures of my Kilmo-girl one perfect evening, just before twilight, with Edmonton's skyline