Monday, November 29, 2010

bits and pieces


It's been awhile. At least it feels like it. I've been busy having a wonderful time with my sister, staying up late, freezing and exploring old cities, making soup, snuggling my little baby, laughing, crying, praying with my man.  We watched our first Christmas video last night complete with popcorn and peppermint hot chocolate. It was lovely and such a fun memory.

It snowed here in Montreal. And our neighbors have put up Christmas lights. It's beautiful when we go walking after dark, bundled up and breathing the crisp air. 

My black book is filled with all kinds of lists- blog post ideas, emails I need to write, things I do in the next two weeks before we start the trek back to Alberta, things I need to pack and areas I need to clean. 

I plan to be back to share more later but I just wanted to pop in and say hi. 

How was your weekend? Was it filled with bustling here and there or was it a quiet at home weekend?

And  it's Monday and I am so grateful, adding to my list...

blue skies and sunshine
neighbors Christmas decorations 
going home for Christmas 

the hope we have in Jesus 
the reality of who God is
the grace that He shows me every day 
my little girl's giggles 
her first steps
making Christmas memories with my man 
to-do lists
a warm house
peppermint hot chocolate 
Christmas music 
new life 
the knowledge that God changes people, it's not my job 
cardinal sightings on our back fence 
church bells on a Sunday night 
anticipation of seeing heart friends

photo: us in Quebec City, more to come....=)


  1. God smiles here. And so do I. Loved reading your bits and pieces--so precious. Blessings.

  2. So glad to hear from you again! Love the bits and pieces you shared and love your thankful list!

  3. Enjoy Montreal, it's a beautiful city! Lots of culture in that wonderful city!

    Thanks for passing my greetings on to Kendra! :) I was so delighted to read she was out having a visit with your family, what a treasured time that must have been.

    Perhaps you will be making Little Miss a new dress from one of Jennie's patterns in the near future. If you do, please let me know, I would LOVE to see it. :)

    God bless,




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