Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a trip to the farmer's market 

The Farmer's market is one of my bi-weekly delights. I love walking downtown, past all the old brick houses with lovely flowers, past the old churches and schools and spending a pleasant hour or so perusing the stalls and purchasing the fresh produce. I thought I would capture today's trip for you so you can share in this delight! 

Kilmeny is sleeping and I'm drinking a cup of Orange Pekoe while savoring a Laura Secord 'extreme dark chocolate' square. As a total aside, you all know that the real Laura Secord wasn't a chocolatier, right? She was quite the heroine and you should all know about her, especially if you're Canadian. The town of Ingersoll is near us which I think is really neat and Laura Secord's home is within an hour of us. I love history. If you want to go google who Laura Secord is, feel free, then pop back and let me know. 

Back to today. 

thought a picture of Kilmeny and I would be a nice way to start. Easier said then done. Here's the best attempt. We are both wearing white, pink, and dark jeans. I like coordinating and I like wearing pink a lot more now that I have a little girl. Go figure.

And another, just because:

Ready for the walk! 

Those white moccasins, they were made especially for Kilmeny by her uncle Kyle (Funston) and her feet are finally big enough to fit them!
They didn't last long on her feet though.

There were some beautiful gardens along the way. I could have made a beautiful bouquet but I didn't. I just admired them from a distance and made notes for my 'some day' garden. 
I couldn't resist the daisies!

And then we were there! 

forgot to save some cash for my flowers so I was glad that this stall took debit. I selected the gerbera daisies because, well, I love them. And the color was so appealing. I opened them up and put them on top of the stroller so I could look at them all the way home. 
While I was paying for the daisies, the owner ( or somehow related to the stall) of the stall came with chocolate for the flower lady. He asked if she had shared any with me. She hadn't. But then she did. It was extreme dark- 70% cocoa and I quote 'so it's good for you, keeps you young!' I thanked her and then she gave me another square. I saved to share it with Jared. I couldn't have kept all the yummieness to myself especially after reading this morning about giving as it has been given to you. We each got a square of blissfulness. 

There were more gardens on the way home. Lavender for Kendra.

And  orange lilies for Caleigh. She loves them so much that her wedding bouquet was made up of them. Which makes perfect sense since I had daisies in mine.

To add to the general Adventure of the day, it started to rain. And I didn't have an umbrella. I looked for one to buy but the store didn't carry any. 

I covered Kilmeny up and ran. Somewhere there's a theory that if you run fast enough, you will dodge the wetness. It didn't work. I was soaked. Kilmeny was still sleeping and dry. That was a good thing. One drowned rat is enough. I was slightly tempted to wait for Jared inside the shelter of this lovely place but I knew I should probably buy something if I was going to do that and I'd already spent all my money, so I hurried on home.

Jared arrived home just in time to bring in the last of the vegs up the stairs. I hustled and bustled making lunch, kissing Jared goodbye as he was off to a rehearsal, feeding Kilmeny and then eating myself.

Kilmeny is grabbing everything these days. I carried her and the flowers up the stairs first and she held onto the flowers all the way up and didn't let go until I took them from her. Such a little doll. She attracts lots of attention at the market. One little two year old was quite taken with her and as I was telling his mother how old Kilmeny was, he looked right at Kilmeny and said, ' Are you six months?' So cute. There's an older Middle Eastern man who always blows kisses to Kilmeny and exclaims just how adorable she is. I don't disagree. 
I read Martha Stewart Living while enjoying my  tuna sandwich and Kilmeny enjoyed her Beatrix Potter book from her Auntie Caleigh.
Then it was time for her nap and I hustled and bustled once again to restore order to our little abode. 
My vegetable drawer is all full again with fresh, local produce!
And my fruit basket is all full again with fresh, imported fruit!
And the bathroom window is made cheery by these blooms. Bonus points to anyone who knows what the bottle used to hold.

And now I'm off to write some emails while the little doll sleeps. Hopefully. 
I also purchased some new earrings, not from the farmer's market, some sterling silver daisies to go in my ear. And some delightful filigree silver spheres. 

Happy Tuesday to all of you! And thanks for reading, gleeps, that turned into a long post!


  1. Love, love, love it all! I have yet to go the Farmer's Market that is close by here! They're only open on Monday and Thursday mornings, but I'm quite determined to go and perhaps make it a habit. :) I love the pictures of Kilmeny, and of you, and of the orange lilies. :)
    Love you so much!

  2. Breanne, your pictures put a literal smile on my face!! Little girls are so delightful and cute! Kilmeny is a little princess. Thanks for posting more pictures. Is it dreadfully rude to ask for more? ;) I don't want to sound ungrateful! But one can never post too many pictures, can they? I love being able to follow your life this way and I love how you describe it.

    Was the bottle from maple syrup? :)

    By the way, I really love how you have your hair in the first picture...it looks really pretty.

  3. Kilmeny is such a doll! I just love the way you write! It's such an inspiration to a young writer as myself.=)

    ~Susanna R. Criss

  4. Caleigh, do it. =)

    Ashley, blueberry syrup. =)

    Susanna, thank-you! You still need to invite me so I can read your blog. ;-)



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