Monday, May 16, 2011

a list for a Monday


sunlight streaming through the windows

all the laundry done

my little girl 'helping' with the laundry 

trying out a new bread recipe 

a long walk with my husband and little girl 

letting all the stress and frustration of the day go  

Starbucks iced tea

creating more memories with my sister 

slobbery baby kisses

French press coffee with cream 

late night talks with my husband

seeing part of my family over the weekend

my Dad's humor 

homemade wooden blocks for my little girl made by my brother

 smell of fresh paint 

an email from a friend

 apple blossoms

bruschetta and baguette 

the quiet of the evening 


  1. Oh...I love your header...your pict...your bio...just lovely!

    Your list is so cool...full of love and appreciation. I could feel how connected you were to your husband and then I read you bio and I was's TRUE!

  2. Love that top pic SO much. :-) Makes me feel all peaceful inside after a stressful few days.

  3. Late night talked with husbands are the best. :)Next to the laundry being done. Ha! ;)



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