Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Of Fans and Air-Conditioning 

Last night I had such a good sleep. Jared had such a good sleep. Kilmeny had such a good sleep. 
We all slept until 8 o'clock. And none of us woke up during the night.

We read an article that warned those people living in southern Ontario and Quebec that a heat wave is coming. I think it came already. Yesterday was hot. Every time I opened the fridge, I wanted to climb in and not come out for a week. Jared dropped Kilmeny and I off at the local pool on his way to a rehearsal and the baby and I spent a blissful hour splashing in the cool water. Kilmeny loved her first pool experience. She's a natural swimmer, strap a life jacket on her and she propelled herself around the pool. Put her on a flutter board and my flutter kicks got an extra workout. We stayed in the cool water right until the clock said 7:30 pm. I didn't get any pictures because can you imagine handling a baby and a camera at the pool? 

Jared set up an air-conditioning unit in the front window, an ingenious set-up, and it kept us cool all night long. That and the two fans we had going. I could hardly believe that it was actually 8am when I woke up, I'm used to getting up several times in the night and feeding a very awake baby around 5:30am. It was a refreshing sleep. 
The air-con unit will be going full steam ahead all night long, all summer long and the fans will continue to be on all the time. We have to choose between the computer and the air-con unit because of the placement of the outlets here. 

Tim Hortons has iced coffee and I have a husband who loves to surprise me by bringing the cold refreshment home. We have our ice cube trays in the freezer. I bake at night, with the door open. We drink a lot of water. All three of us. Kilmeny plays with water in measuring cups in her exersaucer and sucks on a damp cloth. And we remember being in Asia last year where it was like this all the time. 

And I embrace this summer. 


(photos: Coca-cola pictures from our trip: Thailand, Australia, Hawaii)


  1. Ohhh, I remember those dreadful heat waves from my years living in the South. One night I actually slept with my head in the open refrigerator!! Hope things cool off for you soon! :-)

  2. I know what you mean about wanting to climb into the fridge... we've been having mid 90 degree heat here!!(I don't know what you have there, or how to convert Celsius :-) My Grandma used to work in a school cafeteria, and they had a walk-in fridge which she used to like to stand in for a few moments during the summer :-)



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