Monday, November 5, 2012

Growing and Being Quiet

Our household stuff has been packed up, driven across the country and will arrive at our doorstep tomorrow evening accompanied by some delightful people. We will go from living in very temporary surroundings to having all those rubber maid bins I packed up in June. 
It's going to be busy around here. 

The last couple months have been not what I thought they would be but they have been good. They have also been very hard in a lot of ways. Good and hard often go together to promote growth. 

I think I have growing pains. 

And so, I am going to take a little break. A little break from blogging, a little intentional quiet time. 

I'll be focusing on the very real life I live with my Jared and our two little girls. I'll be unpacking all.those.boxes. I'll be making the transition from hardly anything to everything as smooth as I can for my girls (really for all of us) and that requires me to be purposeful. 
I'm not sure how long of a break I'll be taking but I know that is needed.

Thank-you, as always, for reading and sharing this story with me. XO 


  1. So ridiculously excited for you to get your beloved things with you again! HOORAY!!! Take as long as you need, darlin'. :-) Much love to all of you. :-) XO

  2. Wonderful news!
    Enjoy the r*e*a*l life of these days "homing in" with your special things and special people!
    Love popping in our your blog and seeing your girls grow. =)
    The Lord bless you with peace, and a growing, abiding relationship with Him through all of life's happenings!

    1. Thank-you so much, Elisia!! It was lovely to hear from you again after so long! =)



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